Monday, April 7, 2008

Books by Jane Flory

1944 - Snooty, the Pig Who Was Proud, Whitman Publishing
1944 - How Many?, Holt
1945 - What Am I?, Domesday
1945 - The Wide Awake Angel, Grosset
1945 - Laura Harris, Away We Go (illustrator), Garden City Books
1946 - The Hide-Away Ducklings, Grosset
1946 - The Cow in the Kitchen (with husband, Arthur Flory), Lothrop
1946 - Fanny Forgot, Whitman Publishing,
1947 - Once upon a Windy Day, Whitman Publishing
1948 - Toys, Whitman Publishing,
1948 - The Powder Puff Bunny Book, Capitol Publishing Co.
1949 - The Lazy Lion, Whitman Publishing
1949 - ABC, Whitman Publishing
1949 - Timothy the Little Brown Bear, Rand McNally
1950 - Farmer John, Whitman Publishing,
1950 - Mr. Snitzel's Cookies, Rand McNally
1950 - The Too-Little Fire Engine, Wonder Books
1951 - The Pop-up Runaway Train, Avon
1952 - Count the Animals, Loew
1955 - Surprise in the Barn, Whitman Publishing
1957 - Jeremy's ABC Book, Behrman
1960 - Peddler's Summer, Houghton
1962 - A Tune for the Towpath, Houghton
1963 - One Hundred and Eight Bells, Houghton
1964 - Clancy's Glorious Fourth, Houghton
1966 - Mist on the Mountain, Houghton
1968 - Faraway Dream, Houghton
1972 - Ramshackle Roost, Houghton
1974 - We'll Have a Friend for Lunch, (illustrated by Carolyn Croll), Houghton
1974 - The Liberation of Clementine Tipton, Houghton
1974 - The Golden Venture, Houghton
1977 - The Unexpected Grandchildren, (illustrated by Carolyn Croll), Houghton
1979 - The Lost and Found Princess, Houghton
1979 - It Was a Pretty Good Year, Houghton
1980 - The Bear on the Doorstop, (illustrated by Carolyn Croll), Houghton
1982 - The Great Bamboozlement, Houghton Mifflin

1 comment:

CC said...

So touching and so well deserved.
Jane would be delighted!!

OOXX, Carolyn C